Talk With Colleagues at Virtual Bookseller Coffee Breaks This Month

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Each week, the American Booksellers Association hosts a live virtual Coffee Break forum where bookseller members can discuss any bookselling-related topics.

For December, the remaining Coffee Breaks are scheduled as follows:

  • Wednesday, December 9, at 8:00 p.m. ET: Late-Night Coffee Break
  • Tuesday, December 15, at 3:00 p.m. ET: Regular Coffee Break (the final Coffee Break of the year)

Booksellers who do not have the Zoom meeting ID and password can email to get details. Booksellers are also welcome to email questions or topics for discussion ahead of time to

These sessions are an open forum; the opinions expressed are those of the individual participants, not of ABA. Meetings are recorded, and information discussed is reflective of the time of the recording. Recordings of each session can be found under the Education section on (a username and password are required).