
Ship As Available

Updated: This document has been updated as of 9/30/2022 with instructions on how to include Ship as Available as a taxed line item in states where shipping is taxable.

Sales Tax Holiday

Many states have annual sales tax holidays! On these holidays, purchases can be made tax free and now you can offer these sales tax holidays through your website. With the Sales Tax Holiday feature, it is quick and easy to set up a period of time during which customers on your website will not be charged sales tax.
This feature could also be used as a promotional opportunity if you would like to waive sales tax for customers during a certain period of time.

Free Shipping - Easy To Configure! Easy To Use!

A New Feature! Easy to configure! Easy to use!
The new Free Shipping feature will create a shipping method called ‘Free Shipping’ in your list of shipping quotes, with a base rate and per product rate of $0.00. You can set a minimum order total for this free shipping. The highlight of this feature is that it will display a message alerting customers to how close they are to be eligible for free shipping.

In-Store Pick-up Pane

If ‘In-Store Pickup’ is enabled on your site, customers can opt to pick up their order at your store instead of having it shipped. A Pick-up Pane will be available on the checkout screen. We’ve updated it so that you can customize the language used in the pane.

Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Checkout > Pick-up Options Pane

Cart Settings

Your shopping cart is configured by default, however, there are settings you can adjust to alter the shopping experience for your customers.


  1. PANES

Abandoned Cart

When a customer adds items to a shopping cart, provides their contact information but does not complete the checkout, that shopping cart is considered as an ‘abandoned cart’. The orders associated with these abandoned carts will be in the ‘In checkout’ status. Your website can be configured to send reminder emails to customers who abandoned their cart.


  • Reminder emails can be sent either after 24 hrs or 48 hrs

Custom Checkout Panes

Stores have the option to create two custom checkout panes within the IndieCommerce checkout flow.

NOTE: The ‘Custom Checkout Pane’ modules need to be enabled for your site. Please send us a request from the Store Features page (Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features).


Example use-case : Provide customers a newsletter opt-in during checkout

Custom Checkout Message

If you wish to display a special message to your customers at the end of checkout, a special message pertaining to their order, you may do so using ‘Rules’.

Example scenarios where a custom checkout message could be used:

Website Best Practices

Creating a leading website takes thought and planning, a site is typically considered successful if it is well designed, useful and in e-commerce aspects, lucrative. While different stores each have different website needs, there are some best practices that are global to all sites. In this guide, we explain those best practices and have broken them down into 4 categories:


Custom Checkout Email

This documentation was modified on 03/25/2019, with an updated method of creating order confirmation emails and invoices.

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The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.







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