Abandoned Cart

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When a customer adds items to a shopping cart, provides their contact information but does not complete the checkout, that shopping cart is considered as an ‘abandoned cart’. The orders associated with these abandoned carts will be in the ‘In checkout’ status. Your website can be configured to send reminder emails to customers who abandoned their cart.


  • Reminder emails can be sent either after 24 hrs or 48 hrs
  • Orders stuck in 'in-checkout'  state will be eligible for these reminder emails
  • These orders should have an email associated with it 
  • All the items in this order should be published 
  • The subject and message fields of these emails can be customized by the store, using available 'tokens'.
  • This feature can be turned off anytime

Navigate to Store > Configuration > Abandoned Cart Settings 


  1. Emails will be sent to orders older than: Number of hours after which reminder emails will be sent to customers (can choose between 24 and 48 hours).
  2. Disable Abandoned Cart Emails: A quick way to disable this feature on the site
  3. From Email: This will be the email address used as the ‘reply-to’ address for the sent email
  4. Send a blind carbon copy of each message to this email address: Useful to keep an eye on the messages that are sent

    • If enabled, a copy of each abandoned cart reminder email will be sent to the email address provided in step 4.
    • If disabled,  a copy of the email will not be sent to the address provided in step 4. The only record of these emails will be the admin comment added to the abandoned orders.
  5. Email Subject Line: Subject line of the reminder email sent to the customer, can be customized using plain text or the available tokens (to see a list of the available tokens select the ‘Browse Available tokens’ link)
  6. Message Template: Body of the email sent to the customer,  can be customized using plain text or the available tokens (to see a list of the available tokens select the ‘Browse Available tokens’ link). 
  7. Test Mode: Before making this feature live, it should be tested in the ‘Test’ mode on your website to confirm that the email subject and message are correct. Testing is especially important if tokens are used in the subject and message fields
  8. Save Configuration


IndieCommerce Help Documents


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