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MailMunch provides tools to assist in converting visitors into email subscribers and customers by offering several types of opt-in forms: Popup, Embedded, Topbar, and Scrollbox. MailMunch also integrates easily with Constant Contact, MailChimp, and other major email marketing platforms.


If you don’t already have an account set up through MailMunch you will need to create one and may do so through MailMunch Sign-up. MailMunch offers 4 different pricing packages which increase with the level of service desired. ABA is not suggesting or promoting any level over another.


Due to Google’s decision regarding intrusive interstitials on mobile devices, we recommend you create a Pop-up configured to appear only for desktop users and a Floating bar configured to appear only for mobile and tablet users.


  • You cannot edit the 'type' of form once created. For example, if you have created a pop-up form, you cannot edit that form and change it to a floating bar. Instead, you will need to create a second form for the floating bar, and edit the pop-up form display rules or disable it entirely.
  • If you have already created a 'pop-up' form and now need to add a 'floating bar' you will first edit your 'pop-up' and change the display settings to only appear for desktop users (Step 7 - Behavior) and then create a separate 'floating-bar' by following steps 1-9 again, set only to display for tablet/mobile users.


  1. Sign into MailMunch -
  2. Select the type of form you want to create

    • Popover - Pops up over any page
    • Embedded - Embeds into the site page(s) itself
    • Topbar - Sticks to the top or bottom of your pages
    • Scrollbox - Slides up when the visitors scroll your page
  3. Select a theme for your form
  4. Provide a title for your form (this is the internal title)
  5. Select the list customers who complete the form should be subscribed to (if you are integrating with Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc. you can leave this to the default as you will choose a list through the integration tool)
  6. Select ‘Create Form’
  7. Configure the form

    • Message
    • Appearance
    • Fields
    • Behavior - In this step, you can decide on what device your form appears - Mobile, Tablet, Desktop. We recommend 'pop-up' options be configured to appear on desktop devices only and 'bar' options be configured to appear on mobile/tablet devices only.
    • Integrate
  8. Save & Continue
  9. Publish the form and select ‘Finish’

If you have created the embedded opt-in form continue with steps 10 and 11. If you have created the Popover, Scrollbox, or Topbar opt-in forms jump to steps 12-14

  1. Copy the line of code provided for embedding the form
  2. Save a copy of the embed form code in a .txt file
  3. Select the ‘Settings’ icon in the upper right corner
  4. Select ‘Get Site Code’
  5. Save a copy of the site code in a .txt file


Navigate to: Structure > Blocks > Add Block

  1. Leave the block title empty
  2. Provide a ‘Block description’ - Example: Constant Contact Newsletter Opt-in via MailMunch Site Code
  3. Select the ‘Source’ button on the WYSIWYG Editor
  4. Paste the embed code into the body
  5. Place the block in the preferred region of your theme ( The block itself will not  be seen but allows the code to run behind the scenes and allow the pop-up to appear)
  6. Set the ‘Pages’ restriction to ‘All Pages except those listed’ and make sure the following are listed:

    • node/add*
    • node/edit
    • user/*
    • admin*
    • user
    • imce*
    • cart/*
    • Save Block

The block is now placed and the opt-in form should appear when the site is visited.


  • For the Popover, Scrollbox and Topbar options, you need only enter the site code once. It will automatically pull any active opt-in forms onto your site. If you are also using the embedded opt-in form, you need to paste the unique line of code provided at the end of configuring the embedded opt-in form into its own block.
  • MailMunch uses cookies to determine if a visitor has seen your Popover, Scrollbox or Topbar form. Once a user has seen the form and subscribed until this cookie expires they will not be able to see the form again. If the form was closed manually it will appear for the same user after the number of days set for ‘Frequency’ under ‘Behavior’ the step, has passed.


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